Brisket Tacos


Brisket Tacos

Flour Tortillas, or ones you like. Taco shells work good.

Cup of chopped green onions.

1 tbs. brown sugar.

2 tbs. sor sauce.

1 tbs. sesame oil.

1/2 tsp. black pepper.

2 minced garlic cloves.

2 lbs. left-over brisket..

Some onion powder.

Some garlic powder.

Lettuce for taco topping.

Tomatoes for topping


1/2 cup mayo.

3 tbs. gochujang.

Splash of sesame oil.

2 tbs. of chili-garlic paste.

Heat everything but lettuce and tomato in a pan, let simmer for a few minutes.

Make your taco or burrito, cover with sauce top with lettuce and tomato.

I added a bit of rice on mine.


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